Interactive Prototypes

Interactive prototypes represent a common language between engineers and non technical persons, and spare a lot of unnecessary work throughout most software projects. Using them, we make our customers aware of the deliverables and increase the project’s success.

What Makes us Top Professionals

Effective planning for minimizing the time to market

10+ years developer experience

Focus on clean, extensible, modular architecture

High quality assurance

Effective Management Process

To optimize the development process and make it transparent to our customer, we build our workflow using the most suitable and effective agile methodologies

1. Getting Started

We Listen.
Setting up Enviroments.

2. Design

Iterate Until Approved !

3. Development

Technical Design

4. Project management

Change management.
Manage risks.

5. Testing

Prepare Test Cases.
Automated & Manual Testing.
Regression Testing.

6. Release


Support and Training

All projects are developed in constant interaction with the client, from start to completion.

We deliver full technical support and training on all stages of project development and even beyond.